C o u n s e l i n g

In what cases can counseling help?

Counseling offers all of us the chance to talk over, explore, reflect, and better understand our suffering, regaining the courage to make choices or change problematic situations in our lives. Counseling can deal with various problems such as stress, low self-esteem, choices regarding a career, parenthood, marriage, separation or divorce, academic concerns, bereavement, and, the better management of interpersonal relationships in general. When everyday life becomes difficult and one’s serenity is at stake, counseling can help.

What is a Counselor?

A Counselor is a professional who, in a short time, is able to assist and help individuals to overcome personal, private and, at times, deeply rooted emotional problems. A Counselor in Italy must have completed at least a three-year theoretical and practical course of studies. The relational competence thus acquired aims at enriching the lifestyle of his or her Client by promoting wellness.

How is the alliance between Counselor and Client formed?

Both Counselor and Client embark upon a mutual collaboration of trust in which reciprocal respect prevails. Through communicative means such as active listening, the Counselor, with empathy and authenticity, guides the Client so that he or she feels comfortable in opening up with the Counselor. With a good alliance, the Counselor succeeds in promoting change because the Client has rediscovered lost potentialities and now knows how to activate them.

Where do counseling sessions take place and for how long do they continue?

Unlike psycotherapy which also treats pathologies and can therefore go on for an extensive period of time, in “brief counseling” the number of sessions are agreed upon at the first meeting (10-12max. weekly sessions). Usually counseling takes place in a private and comfortable studio. Respecting an ethical-deontological code, the Client is immediately informed about the Counselor’s training and certification, the importance of privacy, the duration of each session (60min.), and the cost. During the first session a precise objective to work through is established based on the problem and request of the Client.

What is the aim of counseling?

Counseling’s main objective is the Client’s autonomy. This means mobilizing and reinforcing his or her resources to achieve a deeper awareness. Thus, the Client is more responsible in making choices and is able to lead a more creative and satisfying life.

Sessions can be held in English or Italian

Linda C. Moffa  -  Counselor  -  Tel. +39 338 2735797  -  lmoffa@hotmail.com

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